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Meet our Team

We are always excited to hear from prospective applicants interested in joining our team, even up to two years in advance.


I currently seek postdocs and graduate students (M.Sc., Ph.D., and rotation students) with experience in one or more of the following areas:


  • Sensory physiology

  • Electrophysiology

  • Molecular Biology


If you are interested, please email your CV and cover letter to carola.staedele (at) med.uni-goettingen (dot) de.


Carola Städele, PhD

Principal Investigator

I am fascinated by the neural mechanisms that drive sensory information processing and neuromodulation. Throughout my career, I have studied these intricate systems across various arthropod species (see CV for details). Since October 2021, I have been a group leader at the Institute for Neuro and Sensory Physiology at the University Medical Center Göttingen, Germany. Together with my team, we aim to uncover the secrets of tick sensory physiology. We use advanced techniques to explore the remarkable ability of ticks to sense and respond to their environment. Our research focuses on how ticks process sensory cues to detect and locate hosts. Growing up in Ulm, in southern Germany - an area abundant with ticks - I frequently encountered these tiny yet remarkable creatures during outdoor activities. These experiences sparked my curiosity and ignited my passion to understand tick behavior and the sensory physiology that enables them to thrive in their environments and to find hosts more effectively. By unraveling the intricate mechanisms behind tick behavior, our research seeks to contribute critical insights into how ticks spread diseases. Understanding how they locate and interact with their hosts may lead to innovative strategies for disrupting the transmission of tick-borne illnesses, ultimately helping to reduce their impact on human and animal health.



Rock Lim, PhD 

Postdoctoral Fellow

2024: PhD | Case Western Reserve University | Ohio | USA

2021: MSc | Case Western Reserve University | Ohio | USA

2013: BSc | Utah State University | Utah | USA


Rock will join the lab in early 2025 to study active sensing in ticks, focusing on the role of the Haller's organ in detecting and processing environmental cues.

Graduate Students


Daniel Pankoke 

Doctoral Student (Dr. med. dent.) | UMG | Göttingen


Carbon dioxide effects on sensory preferences in different hard tick species


Bele Metzner

Master Student | DNB Program | Uni Göttingen


Multisensory Integration of heat and carbon dioxide in Ixodes ricinus and Amblyomma americanum host-seeking

Technical assistance


Nicole Hartelt

Technical Assistant | Institute for Neuro and Sensory Physiology

Nicole is an essential part of our team, playing a crucial role in sample preparation and processing. She is highly skilled in sectioning, as well as immunostaining, consistently delivering exceptional results.

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